We're Sorry...
VirusFix is being discontinued and is no longer available for purchase.
Please review
System Mechanic Ultimate Defense
if you are looking for a best-in-class AntiVirus.
We have more details below.
We have more details below.

VirusFix is going offline

System Mechanic Ultimate Defense
What if I have an existing yearly subscription?
- All users will receive a new subscription key to iolo's System Mechanic Ultimate Defense
Lookout for an email from support@mail.iolo.com with download and setup instructions.
You Might Have Other Questions...
Why is VirusFix being discontinued?RealDefense is committed to bringing you the best products to provide you with maximum protection and privacy. In an effort to bring you the best-in-class technology we are upgrading your VirusFix Antivirus Software to System Mechanic Ultimate Defense. All active VirusFix customers will be upgraded to System Mechanic Ultimate Defense.
What should I use in place of VirusFixCheckout iolo's System Mechanic Ultimate Defense for your new all-in-one, performance, privacy, and protection solution.
Can I still access my identity monitoring services?Yes, you can still access them through the same way you used to. There are no changes there.
When will VirusFix stop working?VirusFix's servers are set to be shut down on May 15, 2023. After that, the product will not work and user should do the following:
- Uninstall VirusFix
- Setup iolo's System Mechanic Ultimate Defense (Email instructions will be sent to original purchaser email)
I didn't receive my email from iolo to setup my replacement AntiVirus.Contact our support team at support@iolo.com and we can help you out there.
Need help or have questions?
If you have questions, please email our support team at support@mail.virusfix.com.